Story Craft: Where Magic meets Technology


Magic within fantasy fiction is an accepted staple of the genre. It is common to see powerful wizards flinging spells or necromancers raising the dead. Technology also sometimes makes an appearance within fantasy but is added in smaller amounts. As technology advances genres shift from fantasy to steampunk, followed by modern fantasy (or urban fantasy), and finally the final push is usually into the realm of science fiction. Now the above statement is a bit generalized as it leaves out a lot of subgenres and it is not absolute as there are examples of fantasy stories that push into the realm of technology. This post is to primarily cover how I handle technology within my own fantasy story.
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Scrolls from the Vault: Pirates of the Burning Sea and the Gray Wolf


Welcome to the Vault. In this series I share characters I have created and played as in various video games over the years. Just about every character I create has their own personal story and many of them are linked to a greater multiverse of stories. These stories exist within what I like to call the ‘Vault’. This will be the first post of a series I want to try running every Wednesday. I will try making these posts in a few different formats until I find one that works. My hope is that this series will showcase a fun way to combine story writing with your favorite video games. So sit back and enjoy the first story straight from the Vault.
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Writing, Video Games, and news regarding Aura Studios


Welcome to Fantasy Writing and Games, a blog that covers writing both in print and video games. This very first blog post comes with some good news. On August 16, 2014, Project Aurora was officially revealed at Video Gamers United (VGU) in Washington DC. The game is being developed by the Aura Studios development team whom are based out of the DC/Metropolitan area. I am the lead writer and a game designer working on the game as well. Project Aurora is in a very early development stage so not too many details can be released yet. However, as time goes on more details about the game will be released on this blog.
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