And we are back

Sometimes life just tends to throw things for a loop but I am back and ready to produce more content. It probably should not have taken me this long to get back into the swing of things but better late than never. This post is primarily an update post with a few announcements sprinkled in for good measure.     First, Project Aurora, the space shooter being worked by Aura Studios is still moving forward with development. A new member recently was brought onto the team to help with 3D design since we are reaching that stage in the project now. We still do not have a solid release date but I will post more updates as we move closer to that point.

Scrolls from the Vault. The feedback I have received from this series has been positive so I will continue producing content for it. I have a list of games I plan to pull from but if anyone has any game recommendations don’t be afraid to mention them in the comments. Expect to see several more scrolls dusted off from the vault.

Now for new content. I have considered the idea for a while and I have decided to try a few book reviews, board game spotlights/reviews, and pen and paper spotlights/reviews. Books, board games, and role playing games tend to be my go to forms of entertainment when I am not writing or messing around on video games. So I figured I would open up the blog to include a bit of this content as well. Some of the Scrolls from the Vault may also include stories from various board games or pen and paper games I have played. These additions will follow a similar style to the scrolls derived from video games.

So be sure to check back in the future for more content. I will post at the very least weekly until I decide on a schedule that best fits around my job. Once that happens I will update the blog with the new schedule.

Scrolls from the Vault: Morrowind and the Wolf of Raven Rock

Today the backdrop for our story is The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, an rpg made by Bethesda Game Studios in 2002. This particular Scroll is about the adventures of the Dunmer (another term for Dark Elf in Morrowind) Amelia, a thief and business woman, that lived in Morrowind during this time period. So without further ado our tale begins.
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Story Craft: That which goes bump in the night.

Well I am back after a busier than normal week. We are going to kick things off with another entry in Story Craft. This time what we are looking at is best described as an eldritch horror. This includes monsters that the player/reader never see but yet instills a sense of terror that drives characters within the tale to the brink of insanity. We will be looking at a few examples of such creatures along with why these make interesting antagonists in stories.
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Project update: Current Projects


This post primarily is to outline a few of the projects I am currently working on. As of right now I have three primary projects on my plate. The first is Project: Aurora the game (covered briefly in my very first post), the second is a novel taking place in The Legacy universe, and the third are a series of short stories taking place within the Archivist universe. 
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